Standing Up Against Bullying: Pink Shirt Day

Bullying has been a significant issue in schools, workplaces, homes, and online. Each year, the Pink T-Shirt Day Society encouraged everyone to wear something pink on Pink Shirt Day, which fell on February 26th this year. This simple act symbolized our collective stance against bullying and showed that we would not tolerate it anywhere.
It was crucial for victims of bullying to know they were not alone and that support was available. Wearing a pink shirt sent a powerful message of solidarity and care. Often, this small gesture sparked important conversations, which were a big step towards healing and helping those affected by bullying.
Please note, this was not a house team Spirit Day, and no points were awarded for participation. However, the impact of wearing pink and standing up against bullying was immeasurable.
We came together on Pink Shirt Day to show our support and make a difference!